4 Quotes & Sayings By Emily Horner

Emily Horner is the New York Times bestselling author of the contemporary romance novels, The Game Plan, A Second Chance at Forever, and One Night in Paris. She lives in Chicago with her family.

I had always been blithely convinced that if I followed the side roads for long enough I’d trip over something wonderful, that thing you never know you’re looking for until you land on it that suddenly makes the universe a much bigger place than it ever had been before. Emily Horner
I didn’t believe that God told some guy, however many thousands of years ago, “Hey, build a ginormous boat in this desert over here.” I liked it as a story, though, because it seemed like the kind of thing God ought to say. There were crazy stupid things that needed to get done, or should have gotten done, or turned out to be wonderful when they did get done. And maybe, if God ever did tell people what to do, it was to stick up for these crazy stupid things that no one in their right mind would ever do otherwise. Emily Horner
Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission? Emily Horner